Feb 14, 2011

what happens at the biscuit mill stays at the biscuit mill. other than herpes, that shit'll come back with you

So everybody, i attended the love sucks party hosted by 5fm and chevy spark last night. and did sparks fly. it was an awsome night, met a whole lot of really cool people, got to flirt with 20 girls without coming across as a creep, and i may have even cashed in some of those flirting chips later in the evening. but a gentleman never tells, and as i am a gentleman of the highest calibre, i'm going to have to keep you guessing as to whether or not i bowled a maiden over. congrats to 5fm, chevy spark, and vuzu. it was a night to remember, what of it i can remember. cant wait for next year.
ps the celebs were very cool. had a nice chat with gareth cliff, nonhle thema and i had a little repartee going, where she accused me of being gay and i accused her of being a famewhore, and i thought roger goode was someones little greek brother who had a beard at 12

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