May 9, 2011

Mad Music Mondayzzz

Good morning all of you on the internets. Hope the weekend was smashing and that you are refreshed ready for the week. For the first time in ages we have a full week, sans any public holidays. Not ideal, but we have been spoilt recently. And don't worry, next week Wednesday is a public holiday so we'll be back to a four day week before you know it. In honour of the concert in Cape Town last night, the song today is Roxette- How do you do. Roxette was one of my top bands of the 90's. To everyone at the concert, I hope you got to relive some mad memories with the soundtrack to your youth. Enjoy

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Nick. I love Roxette. And I forgot that there's aNOTHER holiday next week, so thanks for the reminder...
