Mar 28, 2011

ad review 4

I am sick and tired of print ads, and beacuse of this, and at the risk of not following the brief, my third ad review is for a tv ad. Its for Klipdrift Brandy, and is the follow up to the iconic "met eish" ad. What often happens in the sequels to successful ads is that the agency tries too hard to copy the idea of the first one, and in doing so loses the magic that the first ad had. This has not happened with the Klipdrift ad. It is funny, heartwarming, runs along a similiar theme to the first ad, is uniquely South African and in my opinion, is even better than the first ad.

In this ad, the black man from the original announces to his wife that his "brother" is coming to visit. She of course assumes it is his blood brother, and preparations start for the brother's arrival. It is then revealed that the brother he was referring to is the Afrikaner from the first ad, played by the hilarious Neels van Jaarsveld.

What makes this advert so funny is the linguistic malapropisms that occur between Xhosa and Afrikaans. It started in the first ad with the iconic "met eish" and is taken to a whole new level in this version. "Baleka", shouted by the wife to the dog, is heard by the Afrikaner as "baie lekker", "ngena" is "again ja", and so forth. This ad has been thought out so well, and beautifully executed. You get a little lump in your throat, one that is usually reserved for Castle Lager adverts, and I know this is going to be one helluva campaign. Well done Klippies, and ad agency


  1. Yes you were supposed to review print ads - don't worry, you'll be reviewing lots of TV and other media soon. I suppose you should be reviewing radio now, but that will start next week.

    I have only seen the tail end of the new Klipdrift ad so can't comment but it does seem to have been well done. 65

  2. Nick - you need to catch up!

  3. I am still not seeing your latest blog posts. Most recent is March 28.
